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College Level

Legal Disclaimer

At Solomon Tutoring, LLC, we take the privacy and legal rights of our website visitors and customers very seriously. Our Terms & Conditions are a set of legally binding terms that govern the activities of our website visitors and customers while they visit or engage with our website. We recommend that you thoroughly read and understand our T&C before using our website. Please note that the information provided on this page is not legal advice or recommendations, and we cannot provide specific legal guidance on your individual situation. We encourage you to seek legal advice if you have any questions or concerns about our T&C.

Our Terms & Conditions - The Basics

Our T&C have been designed to establish a legal relationship between our website visitors and customers and us as the website owner. We have customized our T&C according to the specific needs and nature of our website. We offer educational support services to students in grades K-12, college level, and adult learners across the U.S. Our T&C address the issues of data privacy, payment methods, changes to our services, warranties, intellectual property or copyrights, suspension or cancellation of customers' accounts, and much more.

What's included in our T&C document

Our T&C are designed to protect both our website visitors and customers, as well as ourselves, from potential legal exposure. We have included all relevant information and disclosures in our T&C to make sure that our customers have a clear understanding of the legal boundaries governing their activities on our website. If you have any questions or concerns about our T&C, please contact us.

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